Ripple Dynamic
Glas, gipsen mal, 2 x 35 cm x 55 cm
As the tides recede, the water gradually flows towards the sea, revealing how the frequency in the movement of the waves affects the seabed. This movement transforms the geometry of the sand into various flowing forms known as ripples. A ripple is the tangible expression of invisible energy. It feels as though I am being influenced by its radiance. The ripples emit their electromagnetic waves and penetrate my energy field, while I sense the energy of the forces that have shaped this phenomenon. Using casting techniques, glass slumping, and glassblowing, 'Ripple Dynamic' captures the transformed, ghostly essence of an energetically charged interaction on the Dutch coast.
Exhibition Rippling, LAB22, The Hague
A Rippled Messenger
Glas, 8 cm x 8 cm x 25 cm
Jos Brink Oeuvre Prize 2021 for LGBT/LGBTQIA emancipation commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.
My attraction to the rippled sand symbolizes the way someone moves towards the same vibrational energy of someone or something else. With this concept, I created 'A Rippled Messenger' commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, being the Jos Brink Oeuvre Award 2021 for LGBTQIA+ emancipation.