Chiel Lubbers

A visual artist and designer based in the Netherlands, motivated by resonance with rippled structures in the natural and agricultural landscape, currently developing the project 'Musculo-vegetal' which embodies analogous research that explores the parallels between fibers in plants and human muscles tissues.

Works & Projects

instagram @chiellubbers


As a visual artist and designer, my motivation is based upon the concept of resonance with rippled structures in natural and agricultural landscapes. With a background in product and spatial design, my practice consists of field research, transdisciplinary dialogue and experimentation with investigative alchemical techniques for creating materials from degradable and natural substances, primarily sourced from vegetal and geological realms. By analyzing, dissecting, and translating phenomena and materials, I reveal the hidden potential of organic matter at various scales. This insight enables me to create hybrid compositions through textile, fashion, and (bio)material sculpture, reflecting the ecological relationship between human and non-human entities.